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《見山見水 Reflection》- [ ORDER HERE ]


老僧三十年前,未參禪時,見山是山,見水是水。及至後來親見知識,有個入處,見山不是山,見水不是水。而今得個休歇處,依前見山祇是山,見水祇是水。大眾,這三般見解,是同是別?有人緇素得出,許汝親見老僧。」—— 指月錄・卷二十八




郝威爾(HAO, WEI ERH) 將風景簡化成符號:詮釋思維框架(矩形)中,包覆我們生活的整體(水平線),與我們在生命中自然形成,抑或被外在植入的思考方式與意識型態(三角形)。




山與海,作為一面無垠稜鏡,投射出人生不同階段,對生命的理解和感受。《見山見水 Reflection》將風景編成脈絡,覺察內在框架中的刺點,對生命的憧憬和信念,恐懼和焦慮的流動瞬間;是對身心情緒經歷的體悟,更為平靜的琢磨與追尋。


一切皆為內在的映照 -- 望觀者能於其中,發現屬於自己的共鳴。


When people looking, they perceive is not only its presence but also comprises one’s exclusive living experience and judges, extending meaning and a link to the belief, so it reflects the inside landscape.


HAO (WEI ERH) interprets the landscape into a simple symbol:  The symbol of thinking boundary (rectangle), the symbol of things around us (horizontal lines), the symbol of  ideas and ideologies we equipped (triangles).


Emotions, experiences, reactions and conditioning; become a part of our thoughts and shapes our life; show in the mirror.

《見山見水 Reflection》- [ ORDER HERE ]

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